More is being reported on the question of whether Senator Daschle is actually a resident of South Dakota: "Daschle Residency Question Grows Murkier." Interestingly, the report notes that Kentucky Democrats managed to get a candidate for lieutenant governor declared ineligible to run because he was a resident of Washington, DC. Excerpt:
In 2003, a Kentucky judge ruled that Hunter Bates, a Republican candidate for Lt. Governor was ineligible to run because of that state's residency requirements. Bates worked for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in Washington from 1997 to 2002. The judge decided that Bates maintained his Kentucky citizenship, but not his residency, while he lived in Alexandria, Va., from 1995 to 2002.
Democrats have also attempted to disqualify Dick Cheney to run for Vice President due to residency problems, and attempted to disqualify current Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney from running for governor by challenging his residency status.
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