Minnesota Public Radio has a profile of the South Dakota Senate race today headlined "Outside money sets tone of the U.S. Senate race in South Dakota." The story contains the following quote from Senator Daschle:
"The fact is, John's made about a half a million dollars a year lobbying for pharmaceutical companies and others."
That is an outrageous lie, and Tom Daschle knows it's a lie. Thune has NEVER lobbied for the pharmaceutical industry.
Meanwhile, the New York Times has a report on the Senate race that muddles the chronology of how the lobbying brouhaha erupted. Last Wednesday, Daschle released an ad implying Thune lobbied for big drug companies. On Saturday, Thune responded with a print ad in the Argus Leader by pointing out that Senator Daschle is the only candidate in this race who has personally profited from big drug companies (Daschle's wife has lobbied for Schering Plough). In response, Daschle started running a TV ad questioning Thune's character. What is so strange about this race is that it's Daschle who has run the first TV ad on abortion, and it's Daschle who has run the first TV ad on lobbying. A year ago, no one would have believed that would be the case.
UPDATE: DVT has more on this issue.
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