David Kranz, the dean of South Dakota political reporters, as well as the Argus Leader, came in for some blistering criticism from former U.S. Rep. Clint Roberts yesterday:
The Argus Leader "has been a pretty strong supporter of Daschle over the years" and Kranz "is about as biased as they come," although he's a nice guy personally.
Kranz's pro-Daschle bias will soon become more evident, because it's almost a lead pipe cinch that he won't mention the latest independent poll that shows Thune leading Daschle in his column tomorrow. It's too damaging to Daschle for Kranz's taste.
And it's a complete lead pipe cinch that Kranz won't mention the following quote from conservative commentator Bob Novak on CNN yesterday:
"[T]he Democrats I talked to here in Washington are very worried about South Dakota, where the Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle is actually a point or two behind in the polls[.]"
For the sake of the last remaining vestige of his credibility, I hope Kranz proves me wrong. I'm not holding my breath, though.
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