According to the AP, the Four Directions Committee is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization:
The Four Directions Committee is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, Healy said Tuesday in an interview. "Its sole existence is to help register, mobilize and get to the ballot box Native American voters, not just in South Dakota but elsewhere," he said.
The claim of "nonpartisanship" is funny, particularly in light of an advertisement the Four Directions Committee placed in the Black Hills People News on May 28, shortly before the June 1st special election, which Stephanie Herseth won. You can view a pdf of the ad, which a source faxed to me, HERE. The ad is a study in the use of loaded language. One claim in the ad is particularly interesting in light of the Four Direction Committee's post-election activities:
[Larry Diedrich] voted to make it harder for Native Americans to vote. Following the 2002 election, Diedrich cosponsored legislation requiring voters to provide photo identification. (HB 1176, 2003)
Gee, do you think there was some planning going on here? The photo identification requirement is a facially neutral, generally applicable law, tailored to the perceived risk of voter fraud. Everybody has to provide ID, not just Native Americans, because of the widespread suspicion of voter fraud in 2002. It's as simple as that.
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