DVT notes this recent quote from Tom Daschle:
Daschle responded from Washington, saying he offers an independent voice for his constituents. "The question for me on every issue is what is best for South Dakota and the country," Daschle said.
DVT says this is ridiculous because Daschle is "in charge of killing the President's agenda in the Senate."
To put it more starkly how Daschle's assertion doesn't compute, consider that his official title is "Democratic Leader." To be the leader of a political party, it logically follows that you deeply imbibe that political party's Kool-Aid. Consider also that Americans for Democratic Action gives Tom Daschle a lifetime liberal quotient of 83%. That rating is higher even than George McGovern's, who was defeated in 1980 by Jim Abdnor largely because McGovern was considered too liberal.
When Tom Daschle attempts to use that carefully focus-grouped phrase "independent voice," it's important to keep his leadership status and his ADA rating in mind.
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