On Friday at 6PM, KELO-TV had a 2 minute story (beginning at the 6:35 mark) about "Fahrenheit 9/11" opening in Sioux Falls, and mentioned the fact that Tom Daschle was invited to a "private screening" of the film with "other members of Congress." (You can read KELO's transcript HERE.) Interestingly, Daschle told KELO that "he was not able to sit through the entire movie" but that Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie "obviously intends to spark debate."
In Tom Daschle's worldview, when someone like Michael Moore distorts President Bush's record, it's "intended to spark debate," but when another Moore--Stephen Moore--runs an ad in South Dakota pointing out that Tom Daschle lives in a $2 million mansion in DC, it's a "negative personal attack."
I guess one man's intention to spark debate is another man's negative personal attack.
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