Mark Steyn has a new piece about the Daily Kos blog, published in the UK Spectator (registration), headlined "Murderous Rhetoric." Excerpt:
You can find anything on the Internet if you look hard enough. But not many website wallahs who exult in the murder of American citizens are as well-connected as Mr Zuniga. He claims his site is ‘the most popular political weblog with over three million monthly visits’ and boasts of his access to Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. The Daily Kos carries advertisements from Democratic congressional candidates around the country, including incumbents — North Dakota Congressman Earl Pomeroy — and challengers — South Dakota Democratic House candidate Stephanie Herseth, who raised $21,000 in one day on Zuniga’s site.
Via LGF. As Ryne McClaren notes, Stephanie Herseth is still taking donations from a site whose operator exults in the murder of American citizens.
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