That didn't take long. The blogosphere has been abuzz today about the outburst made by Argus Leader executive editor Randell Beck on Greg Belfrage's show yesterday. DVT has an excellent summary of the situation. Also see a very kind post by a fellow in Spokane, headlined "Investigative journalism by South Dakota blogger." My good friend Ryne McClaren also has a very kind post, even going so far as to solicit beer money for me. What a guy!
Ryne McClaren did the honors of kicking things off today with this post. Then the good professor took note.
And of course we can't forget the fellows over at Powerline, who Beck called "a couple of yahoos in Minneapolis." Powerline's response? "Funny, we don't look yahooish." Beck also referred to "a guy out in Denver" as being a yahoo, who could only be Cory Skluzak, another good friend.
Pejman takes note too:
YOU KNOW YOU'VE MADE IT IN THE WORLD . . . When you are accused of being part of "a small cabal." If that doesn't constitute having power, I don't know what does.
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