My apologies for the lengthy period of dormancy here at SDP. My grandmother's funeral was yesterday, and I've also been scrambling to find time to prepare and submit my application to take the bar exam, which I finally mailed to Pierre this afternoon. So now it's back to blogging.
Tim Giago, who had planned to run against Tom Daschle in the Democratic primary in June, is now planning to run as a third party candidate on the ballot in November. Undoubtedly, the Daschle camp is not pleased, as Giago is likely to peel off sorely needed votes for Daschle. David Kranz, the dean of South Dakota political reporters, has a piece in today's Argus Leader headlined "Giago's independent run expected to remodel race." Kranz's piece also appears as an AP story headlined "Giago plans run as independent."
Now watch for the Daschle intimidation tactics to begin with Tim Giago. You see how vitriolic the Dems are with a Nader candidacy nationally. It will be interesting to see how vitriolic local Dems get with Giago, particularly if they see Giago garnering a substantial amount of Native American support.
As always, see DVT for more.
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