An observant reader has spotted an interesting sleight of hand conducted by the editors of the Argus Leader. Last summer, the Los Angeles Times ran a piece on lobbying by family members of senators and congressmen. Linda Daschle was mentioned in the piece, as blockquoted below:
Perhaps the best-known example is Democratic Senate Leader Tom Daschle, whose wife, Linda, represents the aviation industry. She says she does not lobby the Senate. But her partners do, and her clients benefited from the airline bailout pushed by the Democratic leadership.
A week later, the Argus Leader ran the LAT story cited above (after a lot of pestering) on the front page of the June 29 edition. But the Argus Leader edited the above paragraph to read as follows (the edited part is in bold):
Perhaps the best-known example is Democratic Senate Leader Tom Daschle, whose wife, Linda, represents the aviation industry. She says she does not lobby the Senate. But her partners do, and her clients benefited from the airline bailout passed by Congress.
The AL's editors omitted "pushed by the Democratic leadership" and replaced it with "passed by Congress." Can there be a more blatant example of the AL downplaying news that reflects badly on Tom Daschle?
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